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Keep your memories on display for years to come by with the help of our Tarmon Canvas Frame. This canvas frame is ideal for showcasing your treasured canvas photographs, art prints, commissioned art pieces and much more. It's a simple frame, which allows your canvas art's beauty shine through. The finish is bright gold and it will warm up any space while still coordinating flawlessly with your existing modern home or office décor.

The moulding is 1 inch wide by 1 1/2 inches deep giving this canvas frame the perfect dimensions for many different canvas sizes. The façade features gold leaf, which adds to the overall texture and dimension of this display. These design elements are what give it its relaxed but professional look.

With our Tarmon canvas frame, you'll showcase your canvases in style. Display your art pieces in all their glory!

How It Works

  1. 01. Select the service

    Decide if you want to build a custom frame or use our full print & frame service.

  2. 02. Choose your style

    Choose from our selection of colors and styles to create your custom frame.

  3. 03. Customize your frame

    Customize the size, mat options, glass type and hanging choices to fit your needs.

  4. 04. Preview & order

    Preview your frame in real time before finalizing your order and sending it off to our framing experts to create and ship.


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